Aug. 22 & 23, 2020
The distribution of four Infrared Thermometers and five hundred facial masks were of great importance and achievement by Teneba’s Haven. Community people and stakeholders: (Manager, community Radio Station, Nurses at the PHU (Primary Healthcare Units), Teachers, etc.) within Kabala and some surrounding villages expressed their thanks and appreciation to Board Members and donors at Teneba’s Haven for their relentless support during these difficult times in the fight against COVID19. We in Sierra Leone acknowledge and remain grateful to you all for the life-saving medical help, including the many years of your support in many other areas, especially our vocational school. Our oxen are helping our local farmers greatly by plowing more farmland areas for crop production. You all remain in our prayers for God’s protection and good health. Below are some photos of the distribution process of Thermometers and facial masks in Kabala and other communities within our operational areas.
Joseph Mansaray
Project Officer, Teneba’s Haven
Sierra Leone